Daily maintenance of quartz stone
March 27, 2024

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Quartz stone is a new type of stone artificially synthesized by more than 93% of quartz crystals plus resin and other trace elements. Its main material is quartz, which is another affordable and durable countertop material following artificial stone.
Advantages of Quartz Stone

1. No scratching: The quartz content of quartz stone is as high as 94%. Quartz crystal is a natural mineral whose hardness is second only to diamond in nature. Its surface hardness can be as high as 7.5 on the Mohs' hardness, which is much greater than the knife and shovel used in the kitchen. , Will not be scratched by it.

2. No pollution: Quartz stone is a dense and non-porous composite material manufactured under vacuum conditions. Its quartz surface has excellent corrosion resistance to kitchen acid and alkali, and liquid substances used daily will not penetrate it. Inside, the liquid placed on the surface for a long time only needs to be wiped with a rag with clean water or cleaning agents such as Jie Erliang, and the residual material on the surface can be scraped off with a blade if necessary.

3. Not to wear out: The shiny and bright surface of quartz stone has undergone more than 30 complex polishing treatments. It will not be scratched by a knife or shovel, will not penetrate into liquid substances, will not cause yellowing and discoloration, etc., daily Cleaning only needs to be rinsed with water, which is simple and easy. Even after a long period of use, its surface is as bright as a newly installed countertop, without maintenance and maintenance.

4. Incombustible: Natural quartz crystal is a typical refractory material. Its melting point is as high as 1300 degrees. The quartz stone made of 94% natural quartz is completely flame retardant and will not burn due to contact with high temperature. It also has artificial stone and other countertops. Unmatched high temperature resistance

5. Non-toxic and non-radiation: The surface of the quartz stone is smooth, flat and no scratches are retained. The dense and non-porous material structure makes bacteria nowhere to hide, and it can be in direct contact with food, which is safe and non-toxic. The price of artificial stone is slightly higher than that of artificial stone. Due to the quartz stone countertops, the hardness is too strong, difficult to process, and the shape is too single. Quartz stone maintenance Although quartz stone as a professional countertop material has comprehensive advantages that other materials can't match, any index is relative. No material can withstand destructive use. When using it, pay attention to the following matters and try to protect it Take good care of your valuable countertops and avoid damage to the countertops due to improper use.

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